Hilton East
Community - Family

Resource Links for you:

Medicaid application

American Council on Aging - This link provides information and definitions about Medicaid


Lifespan of Rochester - A non-profit agency that provides information and help/answers with all things concerning caring for the elderly:

  • Legal, Financial, Home Safety, Medicare, and Medicaid application. (30+ programs)

Veterans Administration

Need to get a copy of the DD-214 (discharge papers) contact the National Personal Record Center

Community Resource Finder - Find resources like support groups, educational opportunities, programs and events and more

NY Connects - Your link to long term services and supports (the link is good for all of NY)  (To find a branch near you 1-800-342-9871, specifically for Monroe county call 585-325-2800)

Are you and your family prepared for life decisions in regard to long term care?

  • With our partners, the Pathways Forward Group, we can help you with the major life decisions in post-retirement.
    • Long Term Care
    • Legal decisions
    • Financial planning
    • Resource optimization
    • Final planning, like funeral arrangements and pre-planning
  • We also have a video about how these decisions are critical.

Trusted people you can reach out to for information:

David A. Younis, CFP® - Director of Financial Services for Allied Financial Partners.  585-410-6733 ext 130.  dyounis@alliedfp.com 

Maureen L. Werner, Esq. (585) 352-0700

Thomas Kasper, Edwards Jones (585) 242-9289

Doug Sholette, Thomas E. Burger Funeral Home (585) 392-7100

Trusted Surplus - Office: 718-970-7878  Email: intake@trustedsurplus.org - for Assistance with Pooled Trusts  Brochure

What information you will need to have ready for admission to an assisted living community.

We have prepared a basic list of information that you would need to have together to help make your admission to Assisted Living go smoothly. Click here to view.

Pooled Trust – A pooled trust is an irrevocable supplemental needs trust (SNT) that, under Federal and New York statute, allows people with disabilities and older adults seeking long-term care services to spend down excess funds in order to qualify financially or maintain eligibility for government benefits, such as Medicaid and/or Supplemental Security Income (SSI).  More information click here.

A pooled income trust is a type of Supplemental Needs Trust operated by a non-profit organization for the benefit of many people with disabilities. There are many Pooled SNTs in New York, with different minimum deposits, fees, and policies. Thus, the process of enrolling in a pooled trust varies by organization.  More information click here.

Contact a financial professional to as if it is right for you.

If you are not quite ready for assisted living, and just need some in home care our sister company is Angels in Your Home. Medicaid or private pay. Angels in Your Home logo

Things to know about assisted living

If you have a loved one with memory issues, and want to stay in touch, and/or phone have become difficult to use, there are options.  Picture frame phones.  One that we have seen here in our building, and can provide a starting point for a search is: Viewclix